Blissful Healing Journey

How we heal

There's time for everything. Once you get to understand this the order becomes easy. It took me quite sometime to accept what had happened to me on the eve of 14th May 2018. I lived the demond called "Why me."

"Why me" is a traumatizing perception that drags one into mourning for a long time. It increases your fear of the unknown and kills your self esteem. Until I realized that vulnerability has no shame, I was not able to trust my courage. I was completely lost.

Today, I am glad to announce that the moment I decided to build a strong relationship with myself, that's when I found my 'Wonderfully Me' state. That was my turning point. A point of being myself unapologetically. A state where when I feel that something is not right for me , and I can not deal with it anymore, I have a right to slow down, think of my next step and move on with my journey to my next destination.

Stress is important because it helps you make right decisions toward your healing journey, but it's quite dangerous to glamourize it.

It doesn't cost you anything to unsubscribe from toxic environments. It's actually 100% okay to let go of things that kill your mental health status.

Tips to embrace a blissful healing journey.

😎 Have a plan of events and activities to avoid idiolizing your work.

Sometimes we forget that work never ends. Therefore we keep pushing ourselves until we can not push anymore.

😎 Create safe boundaries that do not compromise your peace.

The world is full of uncertainities, so learn to choose your circles wisely. Most people look for you not because you need them, but because they want you to do something for them.

😎 Listen to your body. When it tells you to stop and breathe, please do so.

Your body is the only place you can live in, therefore take good care of it.

😎 Avoid toxic environs and toxic relationships.

We live in the midst of 'parasites' if you are not careful, you'll end up burning your valuable energy buidling someone elses empire instead of growing your own.

😎 Remember, there is time for everything. Work, Earn, Rest and Enjoy!

"Happiness is a gift from God for the present not later."


A self healing journey does not come on a silver spoon. You have to work hard to achieve it. May it be worthy and safe even when it feels uncomfortable.