All Categories - Journeys and Stories Haven

Dear reader, Today is August 1st. I tend to have a special reason to cherish this month the...
In this first episode, I am going to introduce you to chapter six of my book Journeys and Stories...
December 29, 2023
Dear fellow Educators, You'll never know how strong you are until being strong is your only...
Let’s talk about unpacking the suitcase of shame.  Shame,that means regrettable or unfortunate...
It doesn't matter how rough the sea may be, when you give it all you will be able to hold on to...
There's time for everything. Once you get to understand this the order becomes easy. It took me...
April 14, 2023
Every story told has its own strings of attachment. When we change our perspectives toward...
March 4, 2023
"Change is constant, therefore do not shy away from it." When it's time to make changes within...
February 16, 2023
"You'll never know where you can go if you decide to stay where you are."You can't heal in the...
February 10, 2023
Each one of us has the power to heal. I hope you'll get the courage soon to heal from the...