
One Step at a Time

Each one of us has the power to heal. I hope you'll get the courage soon to heal from the experiences you'll never get courage to speak about. I've travelled this journey bravely and I have finally found my safe peaceful haven to dwel in. That is myself. Healing from trauma is not easy at all. It takes a lot of energy. Therefore, having time to reflect, unwind and unpack the luggage that is holding you down is highly important. Remember, someone can travel with you your journey but no one can ever travel it for you. Be strong enough to conquer your battles.

Self-healing is vital because it helps us control our thoughts and emotions. During your self-healing journey, the biggest thing to do is learning to control your thoughts and feelings. All actions you take are conrolled by your thoughts and therefore always try to be positive with your actions. Learn to maintain tips that will uplift your spirit and hence speed up your recovery process. You could try creating a positive relationship with your inner-self, maintain a healthy eating routine, do exercise, have enough rest, and avoid toxic environments that could drain your mental capacity.

What things do you choose to make yourself feel better? I use art therapy, dance therapy, read a book or just go for a nature walk.
