Let’s talk about unpacking the suitcase of shame.
Shame,that means regrettable or unfortunate situationsthat we might have encountered in our journeys.
No matter what the situations are every journey wetravel in life has an outcome of its own. Look at the miserable pile of
circumstances, conclusions, and reasons that have led us to our destinations.
Take a few memories down the lane and picture how the journey has been. You’ve probably
climbed some mountains, crossed some bridges sailed several seas and have decided
to set up some boundaries.
Pause, breathe and ask yourself these questions.Which of those journeys have brought you shame, which of those journeys have
brought you success, and which of those journeys have kept you going?
Well, when you are ashamed of yourself because offailure, it’s high time you start adjusting your sails. Hold on to the mast of
your sails, do not let go. Keep moving on. Remember, someone can travel your
journey with you but no one can ever travel your journey for you. It’s wise to
be the sole steering wheel of your own itinerary just to avoid negative energy.
Keep in mind that fear and failure is there to keep us alert. Do not run away
from challenges instead learn how to deal with them. Remember, most people we
call friends are not really friends but followers who are out to destroy your
navigation quest. Learn to choose friends who are willing to build you and
challenge you positively. Learn to show gratitude in everything you do keeping
in mind that nothing in life comes on a silver plate but through hard work.
Avoid lamenting too much as you stand a chance of losing your blessings. We all
have our own puzzle piece of shame. That’s not a big deal. Right! Remember,
vulnerability has no shame. By telling our stories, we are creating room for
someone to heal. Let’s be honest here. What situations have made you feel
shameful of yourself in the past? What strategies did you implement to overcome
the situation?
I believe you have a ticket for your next adventure.Wishing you a safe journey!